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  • theSYNCreport has helped us find new clients, garner more briefs and we have landed a sync already!. Adam Smith - North Note Licensing
  • The SYNC report is massively invaluable to my business and the artists on my management roster. At a time when sync opportunities are more important than ever in building an artists career, to have such a wealth of contacts and knowledge at my disposal is a massive asset.Luke Rinaldi - Sweet Mate Music
  • I’m loving The Sync Report, great platform!Mark Garfield - Pop-Up Music
  • A world class database! A detailed yet user friendly resource that is structured and most importantly credible! The amount of time I’ve saved searching for contacts that I can now use to focus on developing relationships is invaluable.Jess McMahon - Heapsaflash
  • I really love the platform. It had really high recommendations from a licensing director friend of mine so while I'm always hesitant because there are so many things to invest in, I am glad I chose theSYNCreport.Courtney Cloud - Arioso Cloud Management
  • I Love your site, it's been very helpful with my pitching Randy Powell - Kicksta Muzik Publishing


  • Up-To-Date reports on who's looking after the sync licensing on TV Shows, Films, Brands,Trailers and Video Games.
  • Search the TV Calendar - find out when TV Shows are on air/streaming, their Music Supervisors and the best times to pitch your music (it's all about timing!).
  • Focus on Films that have Music Supervisors attached.
  • Direct contacts for hundreds of Advertising Brands.
  • Search for key TV and Film Music Executives, plus Video Game and Trailer House Music Supervisors.
  • Get notifications when there are changes to your favorite contact details.
  • Find out when new productions get music supervisors.
  • Keep up-to-date with constant changes in the world of TV, Film, & Advertising.
  • Skill Up on the Do's and Don'ts of sync licensing in the 21st century.

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